Sunday, December 28, 2008

Harry update!

We took Harry in to have the bandage off on Thursday, and the ear is pretty crazy looking. This is the inside of the ear, the outside is exactly the same, same amount of stents and stitching. Poor Harry! He was breathing heavily and very abnormal for the past 3 days so I wanted them to check his vitals. I SWEAR as soon as the Dr. took off the bandage the heavy breathing STOPPED and he hasn't done it even once since.
I can already tell that he is feeling a lot better. I will keep you all posted, thank you for sending good thoughts to my little man. (He has to wear an E-collar for 2 weeks and there is NO way I am putting plastic on his naked little skin so I have made 5 E-collars and lined them in a soft thick fleece and then wrapped the inside in satin. So much better for my baby! (these are the 1st I have made so they are not the best of quality, but they serve the purpose, not an inch of plastic is showing. )
I will do what it takes for my sweet little boy!
Hugs to you all,


Patrice said...

Glad to hear that Harry is feeling better! The two weeks will be over before you know it. But at least he has the softest e-collar I have ever seen, looks much more comfy than the plain plastic.

megan mc. said...

Great news, Heidi! :) So glad he is on the mend. You should market those e-collars! So cute and practical, especially for foster homes! :)

Lee McCartney said...

Heidi, you know I'd let you have Stanley in say the word and I'll mark him adopted!
