Monday, December 22, 2008

My Sweet Harry

First I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all the emails, calls and the ones who posted on the blog for your prayers and kind words.

Today was a pretty scary day. The surgery was only to last about 20 -30 minutes but took 2 hours. The actual surgery went really well. His heart didn't skip a beat once.

Harry is home and looks like he had a brain surgery, bless his heart. We had to take him back in tonight because he had some odd breathing, but rest assured he is fine and here with me now. Thank you again everyone. I could not have made it through the day without your support. I will keep you posted on the little man! =)

Kiss your fur and furless babies for me.
Heidi and Harry
PS the bandage will stay on him for 72 hours and the E-collar for 14 days.
Blake is sitting here and wanted me to assure everyone that his ear is NOT missing. I know it looks like it with the bandange, but it is still there. =)


Jax+Puzzle said...

Aww, poor Harry - he looks so sad all bandaged up! So glad the surgery went well, hope he feels better very soon! Continuing to send good thoughts to you guys :)


RedFeather said...

Aw poor guy. So glad to hear it went ok and he is on the road to recovery! He does look like he had brain surgery. Hopefully he heals up fast!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry it went this far. I am glad he is home, happy and safe. You are just the best pet mom in the world, and I know he can't ever leave you, he is like my Zeffen, a soulmate. Kiss everyone for me.


Celeste Broughton said...

Merry Christmas Heidi & Blake!
Heidi, I feel for you. One of my 2 Siamese went to the Rainbow Bridge August 2007 (her littermate is 16 yrs old March '09 and no health problems yet...) :-(

I had no CLUE you had a blog... I would have subscribed to this A LONG TIME AGO!
Thanks for informing me about your sweet Henry. Rest assured he will receive our 'get well soon' prayers.

I know you're very busy, so it awesome you can carve a moment out for yourself.
& my 3 IG'sClaire, Joey & Carmella

Patrice said...

Aww, poor Harry! I just saw this now. So sorry he had to go through the surgery after all. But I'm glad to hear that everything went smoothly. And hopefully now he will not have any more problems with his ear.

San Luis said...

Oh, he is just the sweetest thing! Lots of love to you guys!!
