Sunday, December 28, 2008

Harry update!

We took Harry in to have the bandage off on Thursday, and the ear is pretty crazy looking. This is the inside of the ear, the outside is exactly the same, same amount of stents and stitching. Poor Harry! He was breathing heavily and very abnormal for the past 3 days so I wanted them to check his vitals. I SWEAR as soon as the Dr. took off the bandage the heavy breathing STOPPED and he hasn't done it even once since.
I can already tell that he is feeling a lot better. I will keep you all posted, thank you for sending good thoughts to my little man. (He has to wear an E-collar for 2 weeks and there is NO way I am putting plastic on his naked little skin so I have made 5 E-collars and lined them in a soft thick fleece and then wrapped the inside in satin. So much better for my baby! (these are the 1st I have made so they are not the best of quality, but they serve the purpose, not an inch of plastic is showing. )
I will do what it takes for my sweet little boy!
Hugs to you all,

Monday, December 22, 2008

My Sweet Harry

First I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all the emails, calls and the ones who posted on the blog for your prayers and kind words.

Today was a pretty scary day. The surgery was only to last about 20 -30 minutes but took 2 hours. The actual surgery went really well. His heart didn't skip a beat once.

Harry is home and looks like he had a brain surgery, bless his heart. We had to take him back in tonight because he had some odd breathing, but rest assured he is fine and here with me now. Thank you again everyone. I could not have made it through the day without your support. I will keep you posted on the little man! =)

Kiss your fur and furless babies for me.
Heidi and Harry
PS the bandage will stay on him for 72 hours and the E-collar for 14 days.
Blake is sitting here and wanted me to assure everyone that his ear is NOT missing. I know it looks like it with the bandange, but it is still there. =)

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Some of you know, Harry developed an aural hematoma. This happened about a month and a half ago and we have been taking him to his dermatologist. We decided not to do surgery as Harry has an unhealthy heart. We have spoke to both the dermatologist and his cardiologist and the ear is refusing to heal on its own. On Thursday it broke open at the seams and continues to do so. Once it has drained it literally takes less than 5 minutes to fill back up.

They have decided that we have to do the surgery. I am very scared. I am trying to keep a positive attitude, it helps knowing that he will have the best care with his cardiologist right there. Can you all please do me a favor and keep him in your thoughts? I take him in at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

Thank you for your good thoughts and prayers for my very special boy, my world.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Exciting arrivals!

I have some great things coming this weekend. I have the samples made up and ready for a photo shoot, stay tuned as they will be up this weekend!
We got a lot of supermodel photos, so I am resizing and cropping and they will be up this weekend too!
I hope you all have a great weekend.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for your orders, for our Black Friday sale we had over 170 orders come in * not items, actual customers! WOW!!* I have been sewing like a crazy lady! (and loving every minute of it)
I am down to less than 20 orders to get out, they should all go out this weekend. I promise you will get them before Christmas. =)
I have some new items up my sleeve as well......* hint* Think Jolie Chose slides and a new smoothie line. You are going to love em!
I am going to announce the winner for Supermodel of the Month on Sunday. If you would like to enter your pet, please send us a photo and name to
This will be our last Supermodel of the month for a little while, so be sure to enter now. We have exciting things coming soon, so please take part in our last contest (not forever, we promise!)
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Heidi Schamberger

Thursday, December 4, 2008

On the Road again.....

We took Cassidy to Willie Nelson on Wednesday. Blake carried her up to the stage and she took her bandanna off and started waving it. Willie took it from her and signed it! What a lucky girl!! =)
I know she will always remember this day... seeing a legend.